Superintendent's Message

Greetings, Jamestown Families!
There has never been a better time to be part of Jamestown Schools! You have probably heard the great news surrounding the attendance and academic accomplishments of our students, but I want to take this opportunity to highlight some of these historic events for those that may not be aware.
Melrose School was recognized by the Rhode Island Department of Education and Governor McKee for having the lowest chronic absenteeism rate (3%) of any school in Rhode Island during the 2023-24 school year.
Although it did not receive the same accolades as Melrose, Lawn School has much to celebrate as well. Lawn enjoyed a chronic absenteeism rate of 8 percent in 2023-24 which was well below the state average. Lawn School’s commitment to lowering absenteeism has extended into the current school year, recording attendance rates close to 97% in recent weeks.
Chronic Absenteeism is defined as the percentage of students who miss 10% or more school days during the year. Being absent from school 2 days a month is considered chronically absent. This is cause for celebration because it means that 97 percent of Melrose students and 92 percent of Lawn students missed less than two days of school per month last year. What an accomplishment by both schools!
Research shows that chronic absenteeism is associated with a number of negative consequences for students, including lower academic achievement, disengagement from school, course failure, and increased risk of dropping out. In our schools, we see a correlation between chronic absenteeism and low performance on iReady and RICAS assessments. As they get older and transition to high school, missing at least 2 days of school a month impacts a student’s chance of graduating high school.
The outstanding attendance can be linked to high academic performance exhibited at both schools during the 2023-24 school year as well. We recently received results from the 2024 Rhode Island Comprehensive Assessment System (RICAS) and Next Generation Science Assessment (NGSA). Every spring, Rhode Island students take three state assessments: English Language Arts/Literacy & Math (RICAS) and Science (NGSA). Jamestown Schools performed exemplary in all three areas compared to other schools across the state. We had the second best scores in Math and Science and had the third best scores in English Language Arts compared to other schools across the state. Specifically, Melrose was the only school in Rhode Island where 100 percent of last year’s third-grade students scored on or above grade level in mathematics.
To acknowledge that the success of our students is attributed to the combined efforts of many, we have a saying in our school district - “It takes an island.” Our teachers and staff work very hard to provide engaging and rigorous instruction each day, but we know that parents and families play a vital role in the holistic success of our students. Your participation in school-related activities and events and regular communication with teachers demonstrates to your child(ren) that regular attendance and doing quality work are valued at home as they are in school.
We are also proud of the countless partnerships we have with other organizations and members of the community who take an active role in helping our students to become responsible, contributing members of society. Together, as an island, we are helping the children of Jamestown to rise between the bridges and beyond!
Thank you for your continued support,
David L. Raleigh, Superintendent
Jamestown Schools